
Thoughts, Emotions and The Immune System

Thoughts, Emotions and The Immune System Can thoughts and emotions really affect the immune system? Intuitively, we all know this is possible but is there any science to back this up? It has long been established in Traditional Chinese Medicine…

New Book: If The Buddha Had an Autoimmune Disease

I’m really happy to announce that my new book, If The Buddha Had an Autoimmune Disease: The Shocking Truth About The Self and The End of Suffering, is available starting today 11/22/16. As any author can attest, writing a book affects you…

The Top Causes of Fatigue

Do you feel like you’re tired all the time and depend on caffeine to function? Do you feel you always need extra sleep and never feel rested? Feeling tired all the time is a symptom of a larger problem, and…

Do you need hydrochloric acid?

Are you one of the 20 percent of Americans with acid reflux and heartburn? You’re probably chalking the problem up to too much stomach acid, but in many cases it’s the opposite causing the problems – too little stomach acid is…

Adrenal Fatigue Part 2

Do you always feel tired in the afternoon, wake up groggy, or feel flattened by exercise? You might suffer from a common condition called adrenal fatigue, in which the body can’t respond properly to life’s stresses. Some other signs and symptoms…

Adrenal Fatigue Part 1

Feel tired all the time? You may suffer from adrenal fatigue, a condition in which the body has difficulty meeting the demands of everyday stress. Adrenal fatigue is often associated with too much stress from a busy lifestyle and lack of sleep,…

TH1, TH2, TH3 and TH17

When applying the Functional Medicine approach to managing autoimmune disease, we focus on identifying why the immune system is imbalanced and then work to restore that balance. In more scientific terms, we look to balance the two sides of the…

Rosacea, acne, psoriasis, and eczema triggers

Rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema affect millions of Americans, sending them in search of topical skin care solutions. While the effectiveness of anti-aging and skin care treatments range in their success, they overlook the most vital aspect of skin care: addressing…

Do You Have Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome?

Most of us have heard about endorphins and know that we have receptor sites for these feel good neurotransmitters, but we are now learning more about how they can balance the immune system. What’s becoming more clear is that there is another…