AcupunctureTraditional Chinese Medicine

Are You a Good Candidate For Acupuncture?

How do I know if I’m a good candidate for acupuncture treatment?

You would likely receive great benefit from acupuncture if you are:

  • Struggling with chronic health issues that haven’t responded to other forms of care
  • Interested in reducing dependence on Western medications
  • Looking for alternatives to conventional forms of treatment
  • Seeking ways to optimize your health on all levels of being
  • Fed up with the conventional healthcare model
  • Looking for ways to grow spiritually and emotionally
  • And perhaps the most important point: You are interested in taking responsibility for your health to make the changes that will create a life of greater balance and purpose

What can I expect during treatment?

Many have been amazed by the sensations they feel during treatment as if their body is pulsating with a pleasant electrical current that they have never felt before. Acupuncture helps people feel their internal energy. It gets them out of their head and restores a kind of intuitive connection with the body. Acupuncture has a way of dropping one’s attention deep into the body to feel the subtle currents of sensation that are created by the movement of Qi.

Many people also describe how quickly the acupuncture session goes by. Even though they had been laying on the table for 20-30 minutes, they feel that much less time has passed. This happens because acupuncture has a way of taking people out of linear time. As the patient’s awareness becomes more body-oriented, the normal thought process of cause and effect (‘I have to make that meeting at 12’) falls away, and a sense of timelessness ensues. This alone can be a profoundly healing experience.

If you try acupuncture, you may very likely fall asleep or simply sink into deep relaxation. For the rest of the day (and possibly for several days after that), you will feel energized and refreshed, as if your body has just gone through a period of deep rest.

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